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首爾之戀草莓 Strawberry Love 딸기 사랑

HK$ 595.00

每年從10月中至三月中 韓國最合時的水果是草莓 我們每天在韓國各地果園選出 最大最清甜最優秀的草莓以配合我們這款蛋糕 蛋糕外層水晶果凍 是荔枝酒做成 在製作過程中酒精已經揮發 餘下的只有荔枝的味道  果凍之內更多達八種水果 蛋糕中間部份便是我們甜而不膩 的cream cheesecake 而且 這款蛋糕 更可 藏下 I ❤️ U 字句左蛋糕之內 讓你的愛人在切蛋糕時享有一份獨特的驚喜

한국에서 가장 이쁜 케이크 안에는 크림치즈케이크 밖에는  리치알콜(알콜 없앤뒤 향사용)젤리와 8가지과일이 들어갑니다.

케이크 안을 자르면  I ❤️ U 또는  ❤️ 보입니다.

신선한 과일은 직접 농장에서 매일받아 배송되는것을 사용하기때문에 동일 하지 않습니다.

From October to March, the most seasonal fruit in Korea are strawberries.  We collect the biggest, sweetest, and the best strawberries from Korean local farms everyday. 

The outer of the cake was made from lychee wine. The alcohol has evaporated during the production process, so all that is left is the rich taste of lychee. There are as many as eight fruits inside the jelly. Inside, is our signature cream cheese cake. AND! We can hide the I ❤️ U message inside the cake, which you could see once you cut it open from any directions! A great surprise to the one you love. 
