購物車 0

小清新 Fruity Cakie 과일케이크롤

HK$ 380.00

韓國香印提子샤인머스캇配小海棠花 及金箔

再配提子果肉做餡 加上海棠花做引 調高口感層次度
再配以金泊為裝飾 口感清甜不膩


샤인머스켓과 우유생크림 베고니아꽃이 들어간 롤케이크

입안에 넣는 순간 상쾌한 기분이 듭니다.

서울판매, 계절 판매상품 

Korean Shine Muscat Grapes with begonia flower and edible gold

The fresh Shine Muscat grape juice was mixed with freshly made milk cream, filled with the grapes. The begonia flower added to the complicated texture. Decorated with edible gold, this cake has the freshest taste.

The product is only available in Seoul and in seasons only.  
